Google Business Profile Verification: Our Simple How-To Guide of 2023

Google Business Profile Verification is the vital next step after you Claim your Google Business Profile

This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of this essential process, ensuring that your business stands out in the digital world.

Understanding Google Business Profile Verification

Why Verification Matters

Before we dive into the “how,” let’s understand the “why.” 

Google Business Profile Verification is all about building trust and credibility with your potential customers. 

When people search for a local business, they often rely on Google to provide accurate information. 

Verified profiles are more likely to show up in search results, giving your business a competitive edge.

Imagine you’re craving a steaming cup of coffee and decide to search for a nearby café. 

You’ll probably click on a business that has a verified profile, knowing they’re open for business and their location and other information are accurate.

The Verification Process

Now that you’re aware of the importance, let’s demystify the process. 

Google offers several methods to verify your business:

The 4 Types of Google Business Profile Verification Methods

1. Postcard Verification

This is the classic method. 

Google sends a postcard to your business address with a verification code.

Once received, you enter the code in your Google Business Profile account to complete the process. 

It’s simple and effective, though it may take a bit of time.

2. Phone Verification

For some businesses, Google allows verification via phone call or text message. 

You’ll receive a code on your phone and enter it into your account. 

Quick and convenient!

3. Email Verification

Similar to phone verification, you can verify your business through email. 

Google sends a code to your registered email address. 

Just enter the code, and you’re good to go.

4. Instant Verification

If you’ve already verified your business with Google Search Console, you might be eligible for instant verification. 

Google automatically verifies your business based on the information you’ve provided there.

Common Verification Issues and How to Resolve Them

While the verification process is generally straightforward, issues can sometimes arise.

Verification Delays

Patience is key.

Postcard verification, in particular, may take a few weeks.

If you don’t receive your postcard or experience delays, don’t panic. 

Google provides options to request a new code.

Inaccurate Business Information

Make sure your business information is accurate and consistent across all platforms. 

Inconsistencies can lead to verification problems. 

Make sure to double-check your name, address, and phone number (AKA your NAPs).

Ownership Disputes

Sometimes, multiple people may try to claim ownership of the same business. 

Google has a process for resolving these disputes to ensure the rightful owner gains control.

Tips for a Smooth Verification Process

Ensure Accurate Business Information

We can’t stress this enough: accuracy matters.

Check, double-check, and triple-check your business details before initiating your Google Business Profile verification.

Monitor Your Verification Status

Keep an eye on your verification status in your Google My Business account. 

This way, you’ll know when to expect the verification code and can take action if there are delays.

Prepare for Potential Delays

If you’ve chosen postcard verification, be prepared for potential delays in snail mail. 

Plan accordingly, get all your optimisations ready to upload before it arrive, and be patient during the process it’ll be worth the wait.

Contact Google Support if Needed

If you encounter significant issues or have questions about Google Business Profile verification, don’t hesitate to reach out to Google’s support team

They’re there to assist you along your journey.


In conclusion, Google Business Profile Verification is a crucial step toward building your online presence and credibility. 

So, get started, get your profile verified today and get optimised as soon as possible so you can start your Google Business Profile optimisation today.


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By Luke Elwes
Updated October 09, 2023
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