Our Easy Guide to Google Business Profile NAPs For 2023

Google Business Profile NAPs (Name, Address, Phone number) are a vital aspect of a fully optimised Google profile

In this easy guide, we’ll delve into the world of Google Business Profile NAP to help you master the art of online visibility. 

Understanding Google Business Profiles

What is a NAP in the context of Google Business Profiles?

Let’s start with the basics. 

In the realm of Google Business Profile NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. 

This trio of information serves as the digital identity of your business. 

It’s how potential customers can find and contact you online. 

The Importance of Accurate NAP Information

Accuracy is key here. 

Your Google Business Profile NAP data needs to be spot on. 

A typo in your address or a wrong phone number can lead potential customers down a frustrating rabbit hole. 

And neither you nor your customers want to deal with that. 

Managing Your Google Business Profile NAP

How to Update Your NAP Information

  1. Access your Google Business Profile.
  2. Navigate to the “edit profile” section.
  3. You will find your “Name” in the “About” section, “Address” in the Location section and your “Phone Number” in the “Contact” section.
  4. Make the updates needed
  5. Save the changes.

And all done!

Updating your NAP details is crucial for accurate business representation across all your online platforms.

NAP Consistency for Local SEO

Why NAP Consistency Matters

NAP consistency isn’t just a fancy term. 

It’s the secret sauce for local SEO success. 

Ensuring that potential customers can reach you physically and through a call across all platforms easily and efficiently can hugely impact whether a customer will decide you are the business for them.

Or it may lead to them losing that impulse to buy immediately and further avoid your business in the future, due to the past inconvenience

Best Practices for Maintaining Consistent NAP Data

Now that you know why it’s essential, it’s time to ensure your NAPs are consistent across all your online profiles.

Our simple tip is:

  1. Either go to the online profile where your company is registered (e.g. Companies House in the UK) Or you can go to your website.
  2. Create a Google Sheets document and copy and paste the Name, Address and Phone Number on the top of the sheets
  3. Note down all your online profiles 1-by-1 below
  4. Now go to each profile and ensure that they all match the NAP at the top of your sheets.
  5. And highlight them as complete as you go along.

It’s not rocket science, but it does require diligence to go through each of these steps with every profile.

The Role of NAP in Local SEO Ranking

How Google Uses NAP for Local Search

Google uses NAP data to verify and match local businesses with users’ search queries.

Consistent and accurate NAP information across platforms enhances Google’s ability to connect users with relevant local businesses.

It essentially uses your Google Business Profile NAP and others to ensure that the users are always receiving the best and most relevant results to their location and needs.

Tips for Improving Local SEO with NAP Optimization

Once you understand how NAP affects your local search ranking, we’ll give you some practical tips to optimize your NAP data for better visibility. 

  1. Of course, ensure NAP consistency
  2. Use the exact same format for your NAP across all platforms
  3. Correct NAP discrepancies as quickly as possible
  4. Utilise relevant keyword(s) in your Name

NAP’s Impact on Customer Trust

Did you know that accurate NAP data can boost customer trust? 

When a customer sees one version of your NAP on your Google Business Profile and then visits your website to see another version.

This can cause confusion and lead to thoughts of possible mistrust or second thoughts about purchasing your products or services due to the confusion.


That’s our easy guide to Google Business Profile NAPs in a nutshell.

So are you going to make sure your online NAPs are consistent first?

Or update your NAP from a move of locations?

For some extra help with other optimisations, have a look at our complete Google Business Profile Guide.


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By Luke Elwes
Updated October 20, 2023
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