Google Business Profile Services

Make Your Business Visible in Google’s Local Search.

Let us help you increase your local reach and turn strangers into organic customers.

Why Google Business Profile is More Important Than EVER.

With the rise of customers wanting answers online quickly, to the changes in the Google algorithm, businesses with under developed Google Business Profiles are struggling to build compounding channels that get new customers.

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These businesses are pretty much invisible in online local search, something that is severly impacting their organic customer base.

Whilst this is happening, their competitors are overtaking them and ranking above them for every search phrase that relates to them.

That’s why we decided to take matters into our own hands, and created sustainable solutions to growth, allowing business owners to forget about Google worries and focus on their businesses.

Problems RankRoc Can Help You With.

Our services are designed to help business owners in every stage of their business profile development.

Below is the typical process of our Google Business Profile services, that can be tailored to your business needs.




Google Business Profile Setup Services.

Forget about the long task of setting up your Google Business Profile.

With RankRoc, we make your profile with a focus on rankings and conversions from the start.


Keyword Research

Use local keyword research to enhance customer targeting and boost local reach

Competitor Analysis

Analyze competitor listings to reverse engineer maximum visibility

Business Foundations

Profile Creation

Streamlined and hassle free creation of Google Business Profile account

Claiming and Verifying

Claim and Verify GBP to reduces risks and create strong ranking foundations

Business Activities

Details Setup

Add accurate business details and relevant information to improve customer trust

Cash Collector

Complete service, product, and payment information to make conversions easy

Google Business Profile Optimization Services.

Is your current Google Business Profile struggling to rank? Not sure why you aren’t dominating your local search?

We’ll bring your profile to life, ensuring that it’s positioned in the best possible way to dominate Google

Audit and Initial Report

GBP Audit

Complete a comprehensive profile audit and analyze analytics and performance.


Provide a full current traffic and geo-ranking report to show baseline and insights

Ranking Optimization

Profile Optimization

Ensure profile keywords and categories are targeting the most relevant customer

Website Focus

Improve website service pages, links, and keyword focus to boost GBP rankings


Trust Optimization

Improve automated review process, engage with customers and enhance converting Q&As

Click Optimization

Enhance profile CTAs to streamlined the customer journey to your services

Google Business Profile Support Services.

We know that Google Business Profile aren’t always sexy, and problems can arise fast.

RankRoc can be the support you need, as we’ll tackle these problems head on for you.


Account Suspension

Remove any Google Guideline violations and complete reinstatement form

Unauthorized Edits

Monitor accurate information to ensure edits made are quickly resolved.

Competitor Support

Spam Removals

Reporting of unethical competitor profiles and tactics to boost rankings

Lost Rankings

Monitor competitor rankings and strategies to improve lost rankings 

Easy Communication

Open Lines

Consitent Phone and email support when problems arise to swiftly resolve issues

Data Reporting

Provide key metric updates and traffic insights when needed for fast insights.

Google Business Profile
Management Service.

Ready to expand your local reach and convert more strangers into customers?

Our monthly managament services are designed to do exactly that – put your business on the map.

 What Makes Our GBP Services The Right Choice.

Proven Local Ranking Tactics

We focus on the most important ranking factors validated by industry leaders.

Pricing Customisation

Services aren’t one size fits all, so the way we price our services follow suit

Personalised Client Attention

Every strategy and approach is different – our services are tailored directly to your goals.

How Our Services Work.

Gain some insight into how our Google Business Profile services start



First we get to know your business, customer base and your growth goals.

We’ll start by collect necessary information to optimize your profile.



Some changes will be a given, but some might need your green light before they go live.

We’ll present our improvement ideas wait till you verify that your happy with our changes



Once the foundations are down, we’ll tap into further opportunites that can excel growth.

We’ll create new strategies and create a clear framework to tap into your new potential.

Gain FREE Insight Into How GBP Can Bring You More Customers.

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