Website Audit Services

Spot SEO Opportunities and Strengthen Your Site.

Identify online barriers and overcome them with real data and actionable insights.

Website Audit: What is it?

A website audit is a process of analyzing a website’s content, performance, and many other elements that have an impact on its online visibility.

It is performed by a website auditor to highlight and identify any aspects that are reducing a website’s performance.  

By optimizing factors found in the audit, the website can attract more traffic, higher search engine rankings, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

Why are Website Audits Important?

Performing a website audit is a crucial SEO process as it allows a business owner to observe the ins and outs of their website, as well as it’s how it is seen by not only users, but search engine crawlers as well.

Website auditing can bring some useful insights to business owners, such as performance levels of different website elements, how users experience the site, and how search engines like Google are crawling, indexing, and ranking their content.

Without performing a sitewide audit, business owners are likely to overlook elements that are harming their website’s visibility.

These things can have damaging effects on a business, like missing out on online traffic, reducing market competitiveness, or even being hacked.

Fortunately, there are many things a website audit can bring to light to stop these bad effects in their tracks. we’ve split these up into digestible, easy-to-understand categories.

Why Website Auditing Is Important

Website Audit Services with Actionable insights

Unlike many website audit providers, we don’t just paste your website address into a site like SEOptimer, download a spreadsheet, and call it a day – your website is much more important than that.

 That’s we combine real-time data, industry tools, and manual analysis to audit your site, understand the data, and provide custom feedback to ensure that you’ll know how you can boost your SEO performance.

Website Auditing Service

Website Auditing

We kick off our website audits by analyzing your website’s front and back ends.

Our team conducts a comprehensive manual 150-point check, identifying parts of your website that are performing well, essential areas that need improving, and issues or critical concerns.

We make sure that there are no unidentified parts that are holding back your online SEO progress.

Website Audit Data Understanding Analysis

Data Understanding & Analysis

The next step includes in-depth data analysis to organize the areas of your site into levels of importance.

We’ll assess the severity of any issues we find and prioritize our recommendations based on what will make the biggest impact.

By doing so, we can give you a clear picture of where your site currently stands which changes should be focused on first.

Actionable SEO Strategy Plan

Achievable SEO Plan

Finally, we’ll present our findings in an audit report with achievable steps you can take to improve your website. 

The report is broken down into certain categories, highlighting the good and bad of your technical elements, on-page, and many others.

We provide full transparency in our reporting, leaving nothing out. This report can be used solely by you for SEO implementation, or we can work together to harness your SEO potential.

Website Audit Service Elements

There are many site elements to consider when performing a website audit. That being said, we still don’t like to confuse you with industry jargon.

Here are some typical elements you can expect to see in our audit. We’ll explain what each part means and why it’s important post-audit – so you’re not left with lots of meaningless data.

Google Analytics & Console Audit

Google Analytics
Google Search Console
Bing Webmaster Tools
Sitemap Submission
Disavow Toxic Backlinks
Mobile Friendly Test

Technical SEO & Security Audit

SSL Certificate
XML & HTML Sitemap
Schema & OG Data

Keyword Research & Focus Audit

Site Crawlability
Page Indexing
301 Redirects
200 & 4XX Status Codes
Duplicate Domains
Essential Web Pages

Website & Page Speed Audit

Page Speed Insights
Core Web Vitals
Website Plug-ins
Hosting & Server
Image Optimization
JS & CSS Minification

Site Architecture & URL Audit

Canonical URLs
Categorized URLs
Link Equity
Broken Links
Internal & External Linking
External Link Opening

On-Page SEO & Content Audit

HTML Title Tags
H1-H6 Heading Tags
Meta Descriptions
Call to Actions
Duplicate & Thin Content
Word Count & Accuracy

Keyword Research & Focus Audit

Competitor Analysis
Keyword Lists
Keyword Tracking
Anchor Text Keywords
Sitewide Keyword Use
Meta Keywords

Backlink Profile & Quality Audit

Competitor Analysis
Backlink Quality
Anchor Text Spam
Toxic Backlinks
Referring Domains
Link Spikes

Local SEO & Directory Audit

NAP Citations
Business Directories
Google My Business
Citation Flow
Trust Flow
Local Website Content

Website Audit Pricing Packages

Website audits don’t have to cost £1000s- that’s why we’ve created our audits to be affordable & accessible.

Get tailored analysis, honest feedback, and support throughout the process – without breaking the bank.

6 Benefits of a Website Audit

A successful website audit and SEO execution phase together can be powerful. 

Here are some of the things that combination could do for your business.

Improving Website Performance

One of the main benefits of a thorough website audit is boosting overall sitewide performance.

Finding and fixing just 5 or 10 performance errors could be the turning point for SEO success.

Better Conversion Rates

A thorough website audit can uncover issues that are affecting your conversion rates, like slow load times, and unclear CTAs.

Fixing these problems can reduce customer acquisition costs & drive more revenue.

Better User Experience

Website audits can help identify changes that can improve the user-friendliness and experience of your website.

Higher UX can increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive more revenue.

Higher Google Rankings

Sometimes fixing simple issues found in a website audit can improve Google rankings dramatically.

Things such as missing meta tags, 404 pages, and spammy backlinks can all be fixed with a site audit.

Improved Website Security

Technical analysis in a website audit can highlight vulnerabilities and issues in your site’s security.

Fixing these can give you peace of mind that your and your visitor’s data is protected.

Finding SEO Opportunities

A website audit could highlight untapped keyword and backlink opportunities, or even allow you to beat your competitor’s strategy.

This can be very beneficial for competitive advantage and online growth.

Let’s have a chat

Quick fixes and flashy objects come and go – but quality SEO services don’t.

Schedule a call to have a chat with the team about building your next relationship. 

Website Audit FAQs

Want to know more about website audits?

Check out our FAQ section below to grow your understand of the service.

What's a website auditor?

A website auditor is a tool that is used to automatically find and evaluate issues that are on a website. The tool can be used to scan a website or webpage, identify current issues, and display ways or methods of fixing the issues.

This is a useful tool for many SEOs, as it helps them see meaningful website insights quickly while reducing the time to find them.

Of course, it shouldn’t be mistaken that this is the only thing that is needed for a site audit Human analyses and implementation of these fixes are vital, as someone that isn’t knowledgable in certain areas will have a difficult time understanding some of the elements. -and it certainly isn’t something you’d pay for.

How many site audits do i need?

It is industry standard to perform a site audit every quarter (3 months) to ensure that website changes and sudden errors aren’t apparent for too long.

Of course, this timeframe will vary for many businesses. At RankRoc, we’ll keep a close eye on your site and it’s performance throughout our services anyway. This ensures that when issues are coming to light, an audit can be performed efficiently and when it’s needed.

How long does the audit take?

A typical audit can take anywhere from 2 days, to 2 weeks depending on the size and depth of the website and it’s content.

For most SMEs that we provide the service for, they can expect to see the results in as little as 3 days.

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