Keyword Research Services

Uncover Your Customer’s Google Searches.

 Helping you target profitable search terms to reach more customers and dominate your market.

Chances are, you found our page by searching for “keyword research services” on Google, or navigating through our website.

If it was through a search engine – be honest. If we didn’t practice our services, you wouldn’t have found us – right?

This is what our SEO company does. All of our services improve the chance that your target audience can find you in the same way you found us today – organically.

The 3 Pillars of Keyword Research Services

Keyword research is the pillar of SEO in the digital marketing world.

Our extensive keyword research approach reverse-engineers results by prioritizing the 3 main aspects of the service – relevance, user intent, and traffic potential.

Search Intent - Keyword Research Services

Search Intent

Keyword research isn’t just about targeting every keyword with high competition – it’s also about understanding the reason behind your target market’s search query, and the problems they are looking to solve. 

We thoroughly analyze and understand your target audience’s search intent to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the keywords you use.

Content - On Page SEO Services

Keyword Relevance

Once you’ve got keywords that match your user’s search intent and have traffic potential, you need to know which of your keywords are relevant to what page.

This is where our keyword clustering step comes in. We organise these keywords into clusters to ensure we implement the right keywords on the correct pages.

HTML - On Page SEO Services

Traffic Potential

If some of the keywords related to your business aren’t being searched for, is there any point in focusing and creating lots of content around them?

Nope – and that’s why we don’t take guesses. Every keyword we focus on has real-time data to validate it.

This means you’ll know exactly what you can expect when ranking on the 1st page for that search term, and what you should avoid.

Our Keyword Research Service Process

Our keyword research process finds the most important search terms for your business by using keyword data and tools.

We use a clear approach to deliver results that work for you.

Client Intake

Firstly, we’ll collect information about your business, such as your current keywords, topic ranking goals, and competitors.

This information helps us create an image of your business and industry.

Competitor Analysis

Then we’ll analyze your competitors’ websites for keyword rankings and strategies.

This helps us pinpoint your competitors’ successful strategies and discover high-potential keywords for your business.

Keyword Brainstorm

Next, we’ll brainstorm a keyword list related to your business and current keywords.

We’ll touch base with you to pinpoint the keywords and topics you’d like to target and the areas you’d like to avoid.

Keyword Discovery

Our comprehensive keyword discovery process utilizes industry-leading tools like SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool.

This approach ensures thorough analysis and creates a deeper pool of keyword opportunities.

Keyword Validation

At this point, we validate the keyword’s suitability and potential to benefit your business.

We use live metrics like keyword difficulty, volume, and intent to prioritize key search terms and discard irrelevant ones.

Keyword Clustering

Lastly, we create keyword clusters, allowing clients to optimize content and site architecture efficiently.

This improves efficiency and success in our next service phase. See our On-Page Optimization process here.

Keyword Research Service Benefits

We’ve designed our services to provide you and your business with the most value in whatever industry you may be in.

Our keyword research services allow our clients to get the most out of SEO.

Top Industry Keyword Research Tools

Our keyword research services utilise top industry tools, such as SEMrush.

This allows us to find you the most focused and up-to-date keyword data.

Tailor-made SEO Services

We avoid cookie-cutter packages and minimum deliverables in our services.

We craft keyword services around your needs and high-quality keyword data.

Data-Driven Keyword Research

Our keyword research service uses real-world data and strategic reverse engineering.

We get rid of the guesswork to ensure ambitious yet practical SEO strategies.

SEO Service Best Practices

We prioritise ethical, white-hat SEO practices that follow Google Search Essentials (Google Webmaster Guidelines)

This ensures longevity and long-term SEO success.

Improved Target Market Reach

If Google can understand your page better, more of the right people will see your content.

As many experienced marketers know, the value this could bring is huge.

Competitive Advantage

We’ll increase your understanding of your competitors’ game plans and your own target audience.

This can help you find untapped opportunities within the market.

The Importance of Keyword Research Services

The importance of research and implementing keywords across your website has never been higher

If you don’t believe us, some of these indsutry facts from this year will shock you.



of pages get no monthly organic traffic from Google.



CTR for #1 result on the first page of Google.



of Keywords get 10 Monthly searches or fewer.



of ALL clicks go to the top 3 pages on Google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

Our Other SEO Services

We offer more than just keyword research for your business.

Take a look at the other ways we can improve your website’s SEO.

On-Page SEO

Improve user experience and boost your Google ranking with our on-page SEO services.

Local SEO

Build local authority and improve your business presence in your area with our Local SEO services.

Landing Page Creation

Get more organic traffic and reach specific groups within your target market with our Landing Page services.


Streamline content creation and engage your audience with our SEO-friendly blog writing services.

Link Building

Acquire high-quality backlinks and increase your website’s authority with our manual link building outreach services.

Keyword Research Service FAQs

Still not sure about some parts of keyword research?

Check out some of our FAQs below to settle that uncertainty.

What are Keyword Research Services?

Keyword research services are specialized services that perform a vital process within SEO – keyword research.

These services aim to identify the most important keywords and phrases typed into a search engine.

The importance of specific keywords or phrases will change depending on the business and its target market.

How do SEOs perform keyword research?

SEO service providers undertaking these services use keyword tools, such as SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner, to search market data for particular terms and phrases. 

These SEO professionals focus on terms with the highest traffic potential and relevance for the business they provide the service for.

These keywords are used all over the business’s website, in places like blog titles, URL slugs, meta descriptions, and the website’s copy.

Why is online reach important?

Online reach is important for business growth. The further your online reach is – the more traffic, leads, and ultimately sales you and your business can achieve. 

Let’s have a chat

We know that deciding on services, budget, or even if you actually need SEO can be difficult

Schedule a call to get honest insights into what benefits SEO can bring you.

By the way – it’s free!

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