In this blog post, we will explore the question, “Which attributes describe a good landing page experience?” Understanding these attributes is essential for driving online traffic, increasing conversions, and maximizing the return on your investment of time and resources for you and your business.

Let’s dive right in and get right to give you what you need to get closer to achieving your goals by optimising your landing page experience.

Firstly, What are Landing Pages?

Let’s start it simply by explaining what a landing page is.

A landing page is a standalone web page specifically designed with a focused objective, typically to capture visitor information, encourage a specific action or reach a new or niche audience.

They serve as another entry to a website for users who click on an advertisement, search result, or other online marketing campaign.

Its purpose is to provide a streamlined and targeted user experience, presenting relevant content and persuasive elements to guide visitors towards a desired conversion or engagement goal.

Importance of Understanding Which Attributes Describe a Good Landing Page Experience

If you don’t understand which attributes make a good landing page experience successful and effective then you will be missing out on great opportunities to grow your online traffic and conversions through your landing pages.

Meaning all the effort in making and creating content for these landing pages will be for nothing. And we can’t have that!

Proper landing page creation and optimising it to properly contain a target keyword and its intent, as well as answering the keyword query is key to providing informative, reliable and original content that users will enjoy.

As well as meeting the requirements of a good landing page experience will ensure you receive the best ROI on your time.

So, What Does Landing Page Experience Mean?

In basic terms, Landing page experience is how a user perceives your landing page and its content when visiting your page.

Whether it’s through the visual aspects of your content and website the use of graphics, videos and good content to inform them or the general experience of the ease of the process.

They can all majorly affect a user’s experience on your landing pages.

We will go through some essential attributes for a positive landing page experience next to make sure that you have everything you need for optimising and creating amazing landing pages from now on!

Here Are Which Attributes a Good Landing Page Experience Should have in 4 Easy Steps

1. Page Load Speed

First impressions are always important in life, right? This counts for websites and their pages too!

The first thing that your users will notice when they are accessing your landing pages is the page load speed. Therefore making it a key aspect of a good landing page experience.

We’ve all just gone back to the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) to find another page to answer our queries with more efficiency.

So, ensuring that your landing pages aren’t leaving your audience waiting for the answers they need no matter the device they are searching on.

This will be the difference between night and day on whether your landing page will be effective and provide them with the results they desire without the pain of being stuck waiting on a blank page!

This can massively help to reduce the bounce rate of your users on your landing pages from users as they aren’t just leaving as soon as the content doesn’t load quickly and get them straight to the answers they need.

2. Easy Navigation

Whatever keyword query answer you are supplying for your user it won’t be put to good use unless it’s easily found by your users.

That’s why another key answer to ‘Which attributes describe a good landing page experience?’ is making your content and navigation around the page clear and easy to follow will help your audience to find the information they need with ease.

We’ve all been there, searching for something and when entering a site we are hit with multiple pop-up ads and redirects, instantly getting off the site to avoid any more aggressive and irrelevant ads while we are trying to find the answers we need.

Things like pop-up ads and redirects can make your site difficult to navigate and frustrate readers trying to find answers, most likely they won’t stick around through the ads and will just go find another website.

Further, it’s important to concentrate on how you lay out your content. Making sure that it is clear and easy to find the answers they are looking for on your page can majorly affect the experience that your landing page will convey to readers.

3. Original & People-First Content

You can perfect everything on your landing pages but if you aren’t providing informative, relevant and useful content about the keyword query, then however good your landing page looks and performs won’t change that users aren’t finding the answers they need.

Making original content is massively important in correctly targeting which attributes describe a good landing page experience.

Make sure that your content is original and optimised for your audience and with your target keywords to ensure that you are ranking for the keyword and sufficiently providing the relevant information for that query.

Here’s a screenshot from Google’s August 2022 helpful content update.

Showing that people first relevant and original content has never been more important to ranking well for keywords and effectively providing a good user experience on landing pages and all your website content alike.

Things have changed a lot since user experience wasn’t as important and as long as you created content that was optimised for search engines you could rank. But now the times have changed and finally, users are put first!

Making it even more important that you understand which attributes make a good landing page experience so that your content is meeting the user requirements and provides a useful and easy resource for your users.

4. Content & Intent Transparency 

One of the most important factors in providing a good positive landing page experience is making sure that your content and your intent for that landing page are clear and trustworthy to your users.

We all know the feeling of that slight doubt that kicks in when we go onto a website and even if they have the basics like a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, but yet we still feel that there is an ulterior motive behind providing the content.

Later find that you have to sign-up for something or jump through hoops to get the information you are looking for and ultimately feel like you just wasted time and should’ve trusted your gut feeling in the first place.

That’s why to achieve a good landing page experience it’s vital that when creating your landing page you are clear to your users about your business, the services you offer, sponsored links, ads or the different types of email or contact forms you may have on your site and what they do.

Ensuring that your users have peace of mind in your content and intentions for that landing page and trust in your information or services, depending on what the intent behind the keyword you targeting on that landing page is.

How to Check Your Landing Page Experience With Google Analytics

So. now that you know the key attributes of a good landing page experience, how do you keep track of your changes after making these changes?

Well, Google makes it simple to check the experience of users on your website pages through Google Analytics 4.

Step 1.

All you need to do is visit the Google Analytics Marketing Platform website and create or log in to your Google account and link your website’s URL.

Step 2.

From the ‘Home’ section of the tool, navigate to your reports section through the sidebar and click on it to follow through to the reports section.

Step 3.

Then from there on the already expanded sidebar, you will see a list of ‘life cycles’ one of them being engagement.

Click on the small arrow to expand the engagement drop-down menu.

Step 4.

From the drop-down, you will see a section called ‘landing page’. Click here and you will see all sorts of graphs and metrics to interpret for accessing your landing page experience.

Here are some of the main ones to pay attention to,

  • The number of sessions per page
  • How many users and new users viewed your page
  • The average engagement times

And you can add many more to suit your needs and to gain more information about your users like

  • What devices they are searching for you on
  • Demographics

And many more options are available.

These main metrics that I have listed should give you a good idea of whether your landing pages are providing a good landing page experience, in relation to how many people visit, how long they are on your site and whether you have a high bounce rate from users.

Improving and Evaluating Your Landing Page Experience

Now you know which attributes describe a good landing page experience it’s to improve and evaluate whether your landing pages are meeting the criteria!

When completing your optimisations and following the best practices for a good landing page experience it’s time to sit back and watch the magic happen!

You can track changes and evaluate the effectiveness of your landing page creation or optimisation through the Google Analytics 4 platform and remember to give it some time to track the changes, sadly they won’t be instant.

But, don’t worry about wondering when Google’s crawlers will index your landing page again evaluate it as its crawlers know when to check in and see any new extras or changes that you have implemented and re-index them.


So, the key to which attributes describe a good landing page experience is making sure that you are supplying the content to your users in a clear, efficient and informative and trustworthy way to make sure that your users are receiving the information that they need most easily and enjoyably possible!

By making sure that you follow these best practices you can make sure that you are ranking and getting noticed out there on the internet.

Possibly even ranking higher than websites that are paying for their position just because you’re making optimal content for users and prioritising their experience.

So, what attribute are you going to go and Improve on your landing page first?

We hope to see you again soon here at RankRoc, sign up for our news letter to get all the updates on us and the helpful content we post every week!

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