Alright, let’s dive into the fascinating world of SEO and its essential player – keyword brain dumps. 

Are Keywords Still Relevant in 2023?

If you’re navigating the digital marketing landscape, you might be wondering, “What are keyword brain dumps for? And are keywords still relevant in 2023?” The answer is a resounding yes!

Despite the continuous evolution of SEO strategies to conform to new Google ranking algorithm updates, keywords remain at the heart of this dynamic process.

Google has been urging website owners to focus less on keywords and more on providing valuable content for their visitors.

Yet, the essence of ‘keywords’ remains the same – they’re just fancy words for… words. 

And remember, we want to be using the language our ideal customers are using.

So, even if Google understands the relationship between synonyms, our prospects respond more favourably to the specific language they use and understand. 

What Steps Are There In Keyword Research?

So now we know keywords are still crucial, so now let’s get into how we go about researching them. 

Imagine you’re preparing to host the grandest party of the year, and you’re compiling a guest list.

Keyword research is similar – it’s all about identifying the ‘guests’ you want to invite to your website party. 

The keyword research process can be broken down into three fundamental steps: 

1. Brainstorming: generating a list of keywords your ideal customers may be searching for.

2. Testing: using keyword research tools to measure keyword statistics like search volume and competitiveness of these keywords.

3. Content creation: writing copy and metadata that highlight your keywords.

Brainstorming Keywords for Your Products and Services

The brainstorming phase is like pouring your keyword ideas out into a virtual bucket for later distribution and analysis through one of the many keyword research tools available.

Take a fashion retailer, for instance.

Their keyword list might include ‘women’s summer dresses’, ‘men’s leather boots’, ‘handmade jewellery’, or ‘organic cotton t-shirts’. 

This list then acts as a springboard for the next stages of keyword research and the foundation of your keyword brain dumps.

Which Keywords Describe Your Prospects’ Problems

Which keywords describe your prospects’ problems though? it’s all down to understanding your target audience and their issues, for example.

If you’re a digital marketing agency, your clients might be struggling with ‘low website traffic’, ‘poor online visibility’, or ‘ineffective social media strategy’. 

These problem-oriented keywords can be golden tickets to attracting potential customers who are actively seeking solutions for these keyword problems.

Flipping the Script: Keywords for Solutions and Benefits

Next, flip the script and brainstorm keywords based on the solutions and benefits your business offers your target audience.

A fitness instructor might consider keywords like ‘lose weight fast’, ‘improve cardiovascular health’, or ‘gain muscle tone’. 

These keywords target prospects who are searching for their desired outcomes, not necessarily the means to achieve them.

Brainstorming SEO Keywords Around Your Features

While good salespeople sell benefits and not features, that doesn’t mean people aren’t searching for features of services or products “cheap SEO services” or “in-house SEO services” on the web. 

People who search for specific features are often a warmer lead, increasingly ready to make a purchase, and those are the kind of people you want to be in front of. 

Generate a list of all the features you have to offer whether it’s “four-wheel drive,” “8.0 megapixel,” or “all-inclusive”, and list out anything and everything relevant to your business features!

Should You Use Your Competitors as Keywords for SEO?

Considering your competitors in your keyword brain dumps can be a strategic move, too. 

Picture a personal trainer who identifies ‘home workout videos’ and ‘dietary supplements’ as competition.

By incorporating these keywords, they widen their reach in the industry and can attract prospects looking for alternatives and convert them into future clients.

Niche Down Your Keywords with Descriptors and Modifiers

Now, niching down your keyword with descriptors and modifiers is the process of increasing the specificity of keywords in your braindumps.

Using modifiers like “best”, location modifiers like “London” or descriptors like “organic” or “gluten-free”.

Let’s say you’re a vegan restaurant in Seattle.

Instead of only targeting broad terms like ‘vegan restaurant’, you might niche down to ‘organic vegan brunch in downtown Seattle’

Or, let’s say you’re an SEO agency in London

Instead of only targeting broad terms of ‘keyword research services’, you might target a more niche keyword of ‘Affordable keyword research services London.

These specific keywords might attract fewer searches, but they will be more relevant or niched and make it more likely users will convert to customers.

Bonus Round: Finding Keywords in the SERPs

Lastly, don’t forget to tap into the treasure trove of keywords available in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). 

Google’s “suggested search,” the People Also Ask box, and the Searches Related To at the bottom of the page are all fantastic sources for fresh keyword ideas.

Imagine typing ‘how to cook vegan’ into Google and discovering a plethora of related searches like ‘vegan cooking for beginners’, ‘easy vegan recipes for dinner’, and ‘vegan meal prep ideas’. 

These real-life examples serve as an untapped well of keyword ideas that can help fuel your keyword brain dumps and ultimately, drive your SEO strategy with a strong base.

To wrap up, keyword brain dumps for SEO are an essential and effective way of generating a broad and diverse list of potential keywords for your website. 

From brainstorming based on your products and services to considering your customers’ problems and solutions, and delving into your unique features, competitor alternatives, and niche descriptors, keyword brain dumps provide a comprehensive, holistic approach to keyword research.

And remember, the world of SEO is continually evolving!

So keep an ear to the ground, stay flexible, and continually update your keyword brain dumps to reflect the ever-changing landscape of the digital world and search engine optimization.


What is Brainstorming Keywords for SEO?

Brainstorming keywords for SEO is a creative process where you generate a diverse list of potential keywords relevant to your business or website content.

It’s an essential step in SEO strategy, helping to optimize your content for search engines and attract your target audience.

What is a Good Keyword for SEO?

A good keyword for SEO is relevant to your content, aligns with user search intent, and has a reasonable search volume. Ideally, it should also have low competition, making it easier to rank higher in search engine results.

Keywords can be single words or long-tail phrases that precisely describe your content.

How Do I Find Hot Keywords for SEO?

Finding hot keywords for SEO involves researching current trends, understanding your audience, and utilizing SEO tools.

These tools can provide data on keyword popularity, competition, and relevance.

Additionally, using Google’s suggested searches and related searches can help uncover trending keywords.

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